EPOS : Growing Importance of Communication Security

As hybrid working is becoming more relevant than ever before, communications security is growing increasingly important. Research has found that an increasing number of industries are facing the challenge of making sure their calls are secure. There are three main actions that need to be taken when considering communications security, namely ensuring an authorized connection...

Barracuda Email Threat Scanner

A latest research by Barracuda on 500,000 email attacks has already identified a shocking 400% rise in domain-impersonation attacks used for this kind of conversation hijacking! Barracuda Email Threat Scanner is a free service that scans Office 365 environments to identify email attacks inside users inboxes. Scan QR Code For Free Access Now For further...

Enhance your DR with Rubrik and NetApp StorageGRID

Ease Your Data Management with NetApp and Rubrik Deliver data control and visibility for your data fabric with NetApp’s Data Fabric. Rubrik offers next-generation data management via intelligent integration with first-to-market support for NetApp RESTful proprietary SnapDiff APIs across on-premises and clouds. With Rubrik and NetApp StorageGRID, users can automate data lifecycle management while leveraging...

EPOS : What is the future of sound ?

No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy, but current audio trends reveal an exciting trajectory. The Future Hunters EVP Jared Weiner and The Futurist Institute Chairman Jason Schenker predict that improvements in sound will help create immersive entertainment and the next generation of virtual workplaces. Join host Randi Zuckerberg and her guests as...

EPOS : Empower Collective Performance

Encourage productive teamwork across locations with EPOS EXPAND 80 – a series of premium, scalable speakerphones for up to 16 in-room participants. The EXPAND 80 speakerphones make sure you are heard by your remote colleagues with advanced microphones that enhance speech intelligibility and bring their voice into the room with a powerful speaker that fills...

Intel Server System M70KLP Family

Intel Server System M70KLP merupakan server 2U terbaru dari Intel yang di desain menggunakan 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors dan memiliki 4 socket perserver. Dengan spesifikasi terbaru, Server System M70KLP memungkinkan untuk memunuhi kebutuhan workload yang tinggi seperti untuk Cloud, Analytic, dan Database. Info lebih lanjut :

5 Reasons to Choose EfficientIP DDI

Infrastruktur dunia IT telah menjadi sangat kompleks dan terus berevolusi untuk menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan bisnis yang terus berkembang. Selain merencanakan kebutuhan untuk membangun dan menjalankan layanan IT. Semua ini harus dilakukan sambil memastikan keamanan maksimum, kecepatan tinggi, dan Reliability (Kehandalan) dalam eksekusinya. Tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan ini akan menyebabkan kesalahan konfigurasi, Deadline yang melampaui batas,...