Intel® Data Center Manager

Intel® Data Center Manager merupakan solusi software dari Intel yang memiliki fungsi untuk memonitoring, mengumpulkan dan manganalisa Data Center. Beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan Intel® Data Center Manager seperti monitoring health, menyederhanakan planning kapasitas, mengidentifikasi server yang kurang digunakan, mengoptimalkan daya dan masih banyak lagi. For more information : #intel #synnexmetrodataindonesia #synnexmetrodata #smi

Carbonite Availability

Carbonite Availability software keeps critical business systems available and prevents data loss on Windows and Linux servers. Our continuous replication technology maintains an up-to-date copy of your operating environment without taxing the primary system or network bandwidth. For more information : 021-29345800 #carbonite #synnexmetrodataindonesia #synnexmetrodata #smi

Asustor Lockerstor 2 & 4

Asustor Lockerstor, Power for The Power User Dengan performa dua kali lipat, dan SSD caching untuk bisnis Anda – Dua port 2,5 GbE dengan kecepatan hingga 5 Gbps – Port SSD NVMe M.2 ganda untuk caching yang lebih cepat – Pengalaman 4K yang luar biasa – Intel Celeron quad core CPU – 30% lebih cepat...

EPOS : Case Study – Oticon

High level of background noise often makes it difficult for employees to concentrate fully on their jobs – or to communicate clearly on calls. It impacts both productivity and well-being. Oticon approached EPOS to see if the ADAPT 660, with Adaptive Active Noise Cancellation, could solve their challenges and help them be more productive in...

Hanwha Techwin Memperkenalkan Tiga Tipe Kamera Tahan Ledakan

Hanwha Techwin merupakan supplier solusi keamanan yang sudah mendunia, telah merilis tiga type kamera tahan ledakan (TNU-6322E, TNU-6322ER, TNO-6322ER) yang dirancang untuk beroperasi dengan aman bahkan di lokasi industri yang berbahaya seperti bahaya ledakan dan kebakaran. Tiga kamera tahan ledakan yang baru diluncurkan ini dapat mencegah ledakan yang dipicu oleh faktor internal maupun eksternal, serta...

EC-Council Certified of Network Defender (CND)

Want to know what is being learned from EC-Council Certified of Network Defender (CND)? Certified Network Defender v2 has been designed by industry experts to help IT Professionals play an active role in the Protection of digital business assets and Detection and Response to Cyber Threats, while leveraging Threat Intelligence to Predict them before they...

EPOS : Headsets Supporting Elementary School Education

For students and teachers to thrive, they need durable, plug and play headsets that create immersive experiences from any location. Having the right audio equipment ensures students can follow lessons clearly, and fully participate in group activities. Discover the headsets supporting elementary school education #EPOS #ThePowerOfAudio #PioneeringAudioTechnology #Headsets #synnexmetrodataindonesia #synnexmetrodata #smi

Edgecore Cassini Solution Introduction with Successful Case Studies from Worldwide

Watch the video to know #Edgecore Cassini Solution, and the successful #casestudies from worldwide! Edgecore #Cassini has many on-site deployments all over the world. Through these successful cases, Cassini has proven to be a mature and commercially viable solution that operators can deploy confidently in their networks. Edgecore Cassini is the industry’s first open packet transponder purpose built to enable network...