PT Synnex Metrodata Indonesia & Intel Kembali Selenggarakan Kompetisi OpenVINO™ Hackathon 2020 #ComputerVision

Jakarta, 10 November 2020—PT Synnex Metrodata Indonesia (“SMI”)—salah satu entitas anak Metrodata Group yang fokus dibidang Distribusi Teknologi, Informasi dan Komunikasi kembali mengadakan Kompetisi OpenVINO™ Hackathon 2020. Kompetisi OpenVINO™ yang diinisiasi oleh SMI bersama teknologi vendor Intel merupakan kompetisi dibidang Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) berkolaborasi dengan ekosistem di seluruh Indonesia. OpenVINO™ Hackathon 2020 #ComputerVision merupakan tempat berkumpulnya...

Webinar: 5 coolest features every access management software should have

What if you’ve had one tool for managing access of employees and customers? Or a tool providing strong and multi-factor authentication with additional functionality at hand? Indeed Access Manager can do both. The latest release has greatly expanded the product capabilities and upgraded it from multi-factor authentication solution to full-scale access management software suite. We are...

EC-Council Online Learning Class

Blockchain Technology saat ini mulai dilirik industri, terutama perbankan dan telco untuk mengembangkan dan mempercepat proses business digital. SMI bekerja sama dengan EC-Council memperkenalkan lebih jauh bagi para professional untuk tahap awal mengenal Technologi blockchain dengan menghandirkan instructor handal kerjasama dengan Indonesia Blockchain Society.   Daftar Sekarang : E: P : +6281285117342  

Blockchain as a Game Changer in Digital Era

Blockchain, in simple terms, is a distributed decentralized database where every record is replicated across to all the users who are using that databasee is recorded and visible to all users on the database. Those records are visible to everyone contributing to that database and cannot be illegally altered or deleted in most cases as...