Kami akan memberitahu Anda mengapa Uptime Data sangat penting. https://prgress.co/2SANQ63 #Progress #WUG #WhatsUpGold #synnexmetrodataindonesia #synnexmetrodata #smi
Kami akan memberitahu Anda mengapa Uptime Data sangat penting. https://prgress.co/2SANQ63 #Progress #WUG #WhatsUpGold #synnexmetrodataindonesia #synnexmetrodata #smi
WhatsUp Gold network monitoring tools helps you understand your network through wired, wireless, and virtual environments. https://lnkd.in/dVtdnER #Progress #WUG #WhatsUpGold #synnexmetrodataindonesia #synnexmetrodata #smi
Pandemi global telah memaksa para guru untuk cepat beradaptasi dengan pengajaran jarak jauh. Akankah kelas online secara bertahap menggantikan ruang kelas? Kemampuan untuk belajar selalu membedakan manusia dari spesies lain, tetapi cara kita mendidik diri sendiri terus mengalami perubahan. Setelah bertahun-tahun pendidikan online menjadi alternatif bagi para profesional, kini konsep pendidikan online menjadi sorotan utama....
Compliance : Melakukan hal yang harus di lakukan dan tidak melanggar peraturan Relief : Mengetahui bahwa kami di sisi baik https://prgress.co/3vC3P1i #Progress #MOVEit #MOVEitMotivation #synnexmetrodataindonesia #synnexmetrodata #smi
When each fraction of a second counts, messages must be delivered clearly and with no delay. It’s a matter of winning or losing. Or even life and death. That’s why high-end communication and collaboration tools are vital in the demanding world of Formula One. Pursue the same audio standard as Aston Martin Formula One™ team....
Here is a free whitepaper to help prepare your organization from facing cyber threats, data breaches, security incidents. https://prgress.co/3fxtVhc #Progress #MOVEit #ManagedFileTransfer #synnexmetrodataindonesia #synnexmetrodata #smi
vertiv@metrodata.co.id Aep.Mahali@metrodata.co.id
Indeed Privileged Access Manager keeps on going in line with the cybersecurity trends. We are committed to continuous product improvement so that our customers enjoy enhanced and user-friendly privileged access management. Meet the latest release of Indeed PAM 2.4: Use concurrent session licensing The newly added Indeed PAM licensing scheme is based on the number of...
As hybrid working is becoming more relevant than ever before, communications security is growing increasingly important. Research has found that an increasing number of industries are facing the challenge of making sure their calls are secure. There are three main actions that need to be taken when considering communications security, namely ensuring an authorized connection...
A latest research by Barracuda on 500,000 email attacks has already identified a shocking 400% rise in domain-impersonation attacks used for this kind of conversation hijacking! Barracuda Email Threat Scanner is a free service that scans Office 365 environments to identify email attacks inside users inboxes. Scan QR Code For Free Access Now For further...