Which Ubiquiti UniFi OS Console is Right for Me?

Much like video game consoles, UniFi Consoles are hardware platforms specially designed to run our UniFi OS and software applications. They provide fantastic performance, security, and cost savings benefits. And when paired with UniFi hi-capacity PoE switches, can power a full site’s IT infrastructure including networking, camera security, communications, and even the building itself. UniFi...

Ubiquiti Networks : UInnovations – WiFiman Wizard (Early Access)

WiFiMan Wizard is a battery-powered spectrum analyzer, with multiple portability options, that connects to your smartphone via bluetooth. Once paired, the Wizard brings spectral magic to your WiFiMan app, unlocking incredible insight to help you build better wireless experiences. [Currently in Early Access] WiFiman started as a basic network discovery tool and expanded into a...

NetApp : Winning in the Age of New Normal with the Right Business Continuity Strategy

Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang cepat berubah, Digital Transformasi menjadi salah satu agenda dari setiap perusahaan. Data fabric menyederhanakan dan mengintegrasi pengelolaan data lintas platform multi-cloud dan on-premises. Kini NetApp hadirkan solusi terkemuka untuk Flash Storage, Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure dan Cloud Services yang konsisten dan terintegrasi untuk membantu pelanggan membangun infrastruktur data yang memiliki kecepatan dan...

Nvidia GeForce RTX x Aorus : Promo September Ceria

[PROMO DIPERPANJANG} ✨Hadir lagi 1 promo menarik tuk temani bulan September – November kalian ini yakni promo kartu grafis GTX 16 seri Nvidia Geforce lho.. Nah bagi kalian yang melakukan pembelian kartu grafis Nvidia Geforce GTX 16 seri, kalian berhak dapetin hadiah keren dsini nih: 👉 🛒Dan bagi kalian yang mau beli bisa cek ke...