Month: October 2021

Efficient iP : Patching

Proteksi DNS tidak cukup hanya dengan firewall, dimana titik vulnerable DNS tidak bisa dijaga hanya oleh firewall saja, Efficient iP membantu proteksi DNS lebih efficient dan juga menganalisa traffic yang [...]
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EPOS : Contact Center Headsets

EPOS contact center headsets are designed to deliver an excellent customer experience with EPOS innovations that filter out unwanted noise, clarify speech, and deliver an enhanced audio experience for both [...]
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Announcement : Infoblox is now available on SMI !

We are proud to announce that PT Synnex Metrodata Indonesia is now the authorized distributor of Infoblox. For more information : #infoblox #synnexmetrodataindonesia #synnexmetrodata #smi
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Intel® Data Center Manager

Intel® Data Center Manager merupakan solusi software dari Intel yang memiliki fungsi untuk memonitoring, mengumpulkan dan manganalisa Data Center. Beberapa hal yang bisa dilakukan Intel® Data Center Manager seperti monitoring [...]
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Carbonite Availability

Carbonite Availability software keeps critical business systems available and prevents data loss on Windows and Linux servers. Our continuous replication technology maintains an up-to-date copy of your operating environment without [...]
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Asustor Lockerstor 2 & 4

Asustor Lockerstor, Power for The Power User Dengan performa dua kali lipat, dan SSD caching untuk bisnis Anda – Dua port 2,5 GbE dengan kecepatan hingga 5 Gbps – Port [...]
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EPOS : Case Study – Oticon

High level of background noise often makes it difficult for employees to concentrate fully on their jobs – or to communicate clearly on calls. It impacts both productivity and well-being. [...]
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Yulius Aryakusumah

Director of Channel & Marketing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas gravida velit lorem, ac ultrices lorem accumsan id. Etiam vestibulum quam vitae tortor mattis tincidunt. Integer vitae ipsum enim. Maecenas eu arcu feugiat elit posuere fringilla sit amet nec ipsum. Nullam quis consectetur massa. Sed ut eleifend ex.

Ronaldy Suhendra

Director of Client & Mobile Computing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas gravida velit lorem, ac ultrices lorem accumsan id. Etiam vestibulum quam vitae tortor mattis tincidunt. Integer vitae ipsum enim. Maecenas eu arcu feugiat elit posuere fringilla sit amet nec ipsum. Nullam quis consectetur massa. Sed ut eleifend ex.

Lie Heng

Director of Technology Solution Group
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas gravida velit lorem, ac ultrices lorem accumsan id. Etiam vestibulum quam vitae tortor mattis tincidunt. Integer vitae ipsum enim. Maecenas eu arcu feugiat elit posuere fringilla sit amet nec ipsum. Nullam quis consectetur massa. Sed ut eleifend ex.